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Production & Working Practices Feedback Form

At DEM, our goal is to create and sustain a positive and supportive creative environment for our companies throughout each and every project no matter how big or small. 


As part of our commitment to this endeavour, we encourage and are grateful for any and all feedback you would like to give from your experience on this production. The questions below are intended as prompts only so please don’t feel limited by them. 


Submissions are anonymous but if you would like to pick up directly with any of us please feel free to include your name at the bottom or to email any member of our team.

Production & Working Practices Feedback Form



  • Was your experience working on this show/workshop/reading what you expected?

  • Did you feel able to carry out your role as expected?



  • Did you feel that communication was clear between those working on the production?

  • Were the channels of communication and support clear?



  • Was your experience working with DEM what you expected?

  • Did you experience a professional environment on this project?

  • Were your relationships with other persons working on the production as expected?



  • How would you describe your working environment(s)?

  • Did you feel safe and secure in practical terms and in any other senses?



  • What could be done better or differently in future?

  • Was there anything that you will take away from this process as a learning point?


  • Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Thanks for submitting

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